MOB Agency presents… Oxymorrons, Bonelang

Thursday, October 25

7PM ✖ Hall ✖$10 ✖ 18+

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, people standing and night


Image may contain: night and outdoor

The pairing of Matt Bones and Samy. Language is one that works well throughout as the former offers well-paced singing verses that interplay with Samy’s fervent flow that tends to dip off into unexpected asides and diagonal wordplay.

Bonelang aims to celebrate and nurture self-awareness as a means for strengthening communal, familial, and romantic relationships. The work forces the cultural cherry picker to look within, digest one’s own flaws, and redefine one’s outlook with a more full-bodied disposition of compassion, empathy, and love; Matt & Samy included. Bonelang asks to focus more on what we have in common rather than what we do not.