6PM Doors ✖ Hall ✖ $15 ADV/$18DOS ✖ 18+

Hans-Joachim Roedelius – also known as a co-founder of the groups Qluster, Cluster, Kluster, Harmonia and more. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Joachim_Roedelius
Paris1919 is the quasi-collective musical group from producer/experimentalist/culture remixer Chris Strouth. The membership of the group can change a bit with each project or recording, but the current lineup seems to be working out quite nicely: Randall Davidson (cello), Mike Croswell (lapsteel), Drew Miller (bass), Tim Ritter (bass/electronics), Mykl Westbrooks (guitar), Eric White (drums) and Dave Russ (engineering), with Strouth conducting, arranging, and playing various and sundry instruments, primarily Ableton Live. Special guest for this piece is vocaliist Natalie Nowytzki